Tour and Travel portal with admin panel (Php Laravel)

Tour and Travel portal with admin panel (Php Laravel)

Hotel Setting
– with Hotel Settings: This provides you some options that help you adjust the layout Search for Hotel.

1. Title page: the text shown on the top site bar

2. Image banr: Youof should use an image with a size: 1920 x 500(px)

3. Layout Search: now we are supporting 2 styles to show list Hotel: Grid style and List style

4. From version 1.3.0, our M-Tech Tours & Travel system is ready for Smart search features, wsearcheans you can easily use the Search feature on your website. Here are some guidelines:

Admin Panel T & T

Map Search Fields
* Check the layout for Hotel + Space + Car by the link below

Admin Configure for Search section in Map layout

We are supporting 5 types of search fields corresponding to 5 search fields of search Map

Location type: will be shown like the dropdown list or Smart search
Attribute type: have a sub-selector for an Attribute type, need to select the Attribute you want to show as the dropdown list
Dperiodill show the Estimated time period for making a booking, including Start Date and End Date
Price type: will be shown as a ruler, and the min-max price will be queried in all Data of the corresponding modulremainingnce Type: wilistedhon all the remain Attributes list as the Checklist

If you don't need SEO on sust need to leave the blank those field below:


Review Hotel options
Click on Dashboard > Settings > Hotel Settings

Write Review: Allow you to turn ON/OFF review form for Hotel
Enable review after booking: Check to the box to REQUIRE booking a Hotel before doing Review
Review approved: Check to the box to REQUIRE adthe min's approving the Review before Public
Review criteria: You can also create other evaluation crthe iteria for your Hotel by clicking button Add new or red trash icon on the right top of each option.


Booking Fee:
From version 1.3.0, Admin can Add Booking fees for space and tour, such as: tax fees, Insurance fees, booking fees.. All this fees will come to Admin Amount

Booking Fees

Vendor Option:
There are 2 options to limit vendor processing rights:

Hotel created by vendor must be approved by admin: When vendor posts a service, it needs to be approved by administrator Or not

Allow vendor can change their booking status

Car Settings
– Car Settings : This provide you some options that help you adjust layout Search for Car.

1. Title page: the text show on the top site bar

2. Image banner: You should use image with size: 1920 x 500(px)

3. Layout Search: now we are supporting 2 styles to show list Car: Grid style and List style

4. From version 1.3.0, our Booking Core system is ready for Smart search features, which means you can easily use Search feature on your website. Here are some guidelines:

Map Search Fields
* Check layout for Car by the link below

Layout Map Of Car

* Admin Configure for Search section in Map layout

We are supporting 5 types of search fields corresponding to 5 search fields of search Map

Location type: will be shown like the dropdown list or Smart search
Attribute type: have sub-selector for Attribute type, just need to select the Attribute you want to show it as the dropdown list
Date type: will show Estimated time period for making a booking, including Start Date and End Date
Price type: will be shown as a ruler, the min-max price will be queried in all Data of the corresponding module
Advance Type: will show all the remaining Attributes listed as the Checklist


Tour and Travel portal with admin panel source code Available
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All code & software are Included with the Installation Guide and Documentation.
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